Monday 20 May 2024

What is the end-game of WAR IN ISRAEL AND UKRAINE, other than more of the same, as the artlce in JACOBIN implies?

 At some point, the wars in Israel as well as Ukraine will end, but at what cost first to the Palestinian people, the Israelis, the region, and to those few US-led countries that opted to support Israel? The regional balance of power will shift from both Israel and the US which have sustained a strained relationship with most of the Global South, except India supporting Israel, as well as China and Russia. It is very difficult to see how the US and Israel actually gain much as a result of the war that Israel has been carrying out against the civilians in Gaza, though it is clear  is the US has gained market share in Europe because of the war in Ukraine, while Europe is greatly weakened. Just as difficult to see, how do Western corporations gain, other than weapons manufacturers, considering that some are and will most definitely face boycott calls globally for supporting Israel's ethnic cleansing war with children as a main target. 

While one way that some pro-Israel elements in the West want to save the apartheid state by removing the current regime, the question is whether this by itself would be enough. There is also the larger issue of how a GOP neo-isolationist government will handle foreign policy, given its reservations about war with Russia. It is difficult to see how the US reverses the benefits already accrued to China from both wars, given that the balance of power is determined by the CHINA-LED BRICS group dominating the world economy. Ending the wars as quickly as possible is the best solution for the US-NATO group, but ideology and fear of continued decline has prevented the obvious solution.  

'Israel’s Priority Is Killing Gazans, Not Freeing Hostages,' Stephen Semler

This war would look very different if Israel’s principal aim was to free the hostages. But Israel’s assault on Gaza was never about the hostages.


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