Saturday 29 June 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Exploitation and Inequality (Part 2): Müntzer, Locke, Hayek and Friedman


Exploitation and Inequality (Part 2): Müntzer, Locke, Hayek and Friedman

Sunday 16 June 2024

Friday 14 June 2024

Reviewing - Links on a Chain: Five Days in October

 "Links on a Chain: Five Days in October" is the story of a Norwegian youth who runs a motel and suffers from his mental struggles while also encountering the troubled lives of a mental patient, an unstable Vietnam War veteran, and a white supremacist. The novel highlights the cultural impact of the materialist Yuppie culture among American youth in the 1980s and its long-term effects on American society.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Gig Economy (Part 2): Institutionalization of Deregulated Precarious Labour Force in the Age of AI


Gig Economy (Part 2): Institutionalization of Deregulated Precarious Labour Force in the Age of AI

Friday 7 June 2024

Gig Economy (Part 1): Analysis from the Rise of Trade Unionism to Neoliberal Class Warfare



Gig Economy (Part 1): 

Analysis from the Rise of Trade Unionism to Neoliberal Class Warfare