Introduction: A Question of Societal
In this very brief essay, I will compare and contrast corporate welfare and
social welfare, focusing on some current trends that reflect fundamental values
of a society. Analyzing how the mass media, politicians and institutions view
corporate welfare vs. social welfare, the essay also examines the historical
roots of both. In the end, there are only questions remaining about this topic,
because ultimately a society’s value system is reflected in its choice whether
to strengthen corporate welfare at the expense of social welfare. Each
individual must decide what does it mean for a society when there is wide
acceptance of corporate welfare and a rejection of social welfare?
Given that social welfare in the Western World emerged from within a culture
of capitalism and individualistic values that are antithetic to secular
collectivism or even Christian communitarianism, it is not at all surprising to
see the degree of easiness with which Westerners reject social welfare, but
readily accept corporate welfare. Socioeconomic hierarchy so readily accepted
in the Western mindset, while egalitarianism so readily dismissed makes it easy
for the mass media and politicians to stigmatize social welfare as parasitic
while promoting corporate welfare as an integral part of economic progress.
The repugnance many in the West feel toward a social welfare system and the
acceptance they have for corporate welfare is partly rooted in Social Darwinism
that decried any institutional assistance for the weak and poor that must
accept the fate accorded to them by the social evolutionary process. Therefore,
the helpless child and her mother, the elderly man and his mentally ill son too
poor to care for themselves must be punished for they contribute nothing to
economic productivity. Whereas corporate welfare is identified with capitalism
and that is widely viewed as a virtue, social welfare is seen as
institutionalizing a Socialist-inspired program.
According to Social Darwinist thinking behind the opposition to social
welfare, any intervention by the state to care for those unable to care for
themselves would only reward parasitic elements lacking the Calvinist work
ethic, individualistic values of material success, and the ambition it takes to
become self-sufficient. Because a segment of those benefiting from social
welfare are minorities in the modern Western World, opponents of social welfare
could be motivated by ideological animosity toward Socialism, or perhaps by
crypto- racism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia.
How humane, how compassionate, how democratic, and how civilized is a
society that opts to shift resources to the wealthy from lower income groups,
impoverished mothers and children, the elderly, and the mentally ill unable to
care for themselves, while permitting the wretched of the earth to die of
starvation, lack of medical care, housing, and the basic necessities of life,
while at the same time celebrating the “success” of the rich becoming even
richer because of corporate welfare? Beyond the question of societal values,
there are the practical issues of the degree to which social welfare helps to
maintain balance and harmony in a pluralistic society while corporate welfare
upsets such institutional balances and precipitates polarization, antagonisms
and instability.
The legitimacy of corporate welfare vs. the stigma of social welfare
Most people are dismayed and shocked when they hear on TV or read about some
welfare recipient cheating the system of a few thousand dollars or euro. By
contrast, they easily brush aside news that hundreds of billions are given to
bail out large banks and subsidies to corporations, or tax breaks as part of a
corporate welfare system designed to support a capitalist economy insisting
that it is still a “free enterprise” system, presumably standing on its own
without government handouts. If one reads about or listens to political debates
regarding the topic of social welfare in the advanced and semi-developed capitalist
countries, the impression is that the economic ills and public debt problems
have been caused by handouts to the poor who ought to go out and find work and
become self sufficient. This means that in the minds of most people there is a
lack of legitimacy for social welfare, indeed a stigma. By contrast, there is a
sense of rightful ownership and legitimacy to public funds distributed to banks
and corporations. When it comes time to reduce budgetary deficits, therefore,
the target is not corporate welfare but social welfare.
If social welfare is the set of institutional activities resulting from
government policies intended to address social problems of the lower strata of
society, corporate welfare is a set of government policies intended to
strengthen companies. In both cases public funds are needed to support the
intended welfare program. Whereas in social welfare the goal is to provide the
poor with a social safety net that included housing, food and medicine so that
people do not die in the streets or turn to crime or contribute to social
problems, the goal in corporate welfare is to strengthen the private sector by
buttressing the strongest companies in their fields.
According to the opponents of social welfare, the same groups and
individuals who are advocates of corporate welfare, the welfare state must
reduce the social safety net for the poor who have sunk to the lower strata of
society solely owing to their character flaws and not because the political
economy is deficient. Because welfare recipients happen to be women and
minorities in much of the Western World, there is inherent sexism, xenophobia,
ethnocentrism and racism in the anti-social welfare debate that stigmatizes the
lower classes on the margins of society and blames them for the problems of the
economy and government budgets.
In the
US the problem is the unwed black woman with children; in Germany it is the
large Turkish family of nine milking the system; in the UK it is the Africans
and more recently Bulgarians and Romanians.
Structural economic and political causes for slow growth and development,
declining government revenues and rising public debt are defaulted to the poor,
mostly women, children and minorities collecting welfare. The image that many
politicians and media project regarding welfare has an underlying racist and
xenophobic agenda. Behind the anti-social welfare politicians, media and other
groups rests a deliberate effort to justify sharply curtailing social benefits
and transferring funds to corporate welfare. This view emerged in the
Reagan-Thatcher conservative decade of the 1980s when neoliberals and
neoconservatives forged their views to argue for the gradual downsizing of
social safety net, while transferring funds to corporate welfare that would
presumably be productive for the economy instead of parasitic. By stigmatizing
the social welfare system as parasitic, there was no longer a need to focus on
the core issue of maintaining the social safety net and social justice or feel
guilty about embracing a crypto-racist and crypto-xenophobic agenda that
bordered on anti-democratic tendencies.
Markets over People: Neoliberal Demonization
of Social Welfare and Advocacy for Corporate Welfare
Some may argue that the proponents of corporate welfare hiding behind
neoliberalism and the market economy are in essence advocates of markets over
people because they want a very weak social welfare system and social safety
net. As the sentinel of international finance capitalism, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) subscribes to neoliberal anti-social welfare position when
it goes around the world introducing austerity measures - monetary and fiscal
reform policies - intended to lessen the role of the public sector and
strengthen the strongest domestic and foreign capitalist elements where capital
is concentrated. Most recently, this happened in Ireland, across Southern and
Eastern Europe where the social safety net has shrunk substantially while
corporate welfare expanded. Backed by neoliberal policies of the German and
other EU governments, the IMF had no problem with tax breaks and subsidy
policies to sustain the regime of corporate welfare, while strongly advocating
reducing social welfare as contrary to free enterprise and economic growth,
raising consumption taxes paid by the masses and reducing wages and benefits.
The IMF as well as neoliberals inside and outside of government want to
leave the public with the impression that the cause for balance of payments
problems and high public debt that diminishes the role of the private sector is
not the parasitic corporate welfare system, but the social welfare state
draining the budgets of governments that borrow in order to finance such
programs for the poor who should be working and/or working more for lower wages
and benefits to support all of their basic needs. Demonizing the social safety
net under a welfare state is easy because neoliberals have the mainstream media
to spread the word.
Reinforcing the neoliberal/neoconservative agenda, the mainstream media
pursues isolated stories of some welfare mother that has been defrauding the
government by collecting an additional paycheck on behalf of her dead husband,
or for children she does not have - the welfare queen stereotype that is
equated with the evils of the welfare state. The stereotypical story of the
welfare queen or similar stories become the pretext to sharply downsize the
demonized social welfare and permit the poor to stand on their own two feet in
the iconic “free marketplace”, which is anything but free given the role of the
state behind it. This is not to argue that there are no abuses in social
welfare programs or that they are inherently good for chronic recipients who
may have become fatalistic about never getting off welfare. However, this is a
question of scale regarding the cost of the demonized social welfare system vs.
the iconic corporate welfare system.
As damaging as social welfare abuses may be for the budget, depending on the
country and specific programs that it categorizes as social welfare,
statistically speaking social welfare costs are hardly a match for the immense
costs of corporate welfare and tax dodging by the wealthy. Not only does
government spend far greater amounts for corporate welfare, thus adding to
budgetary deficits, but the wealthiest individuals benefiting transfer
trillions of dollars in offshore accounts to escape paying taxes in their
countries, thus contributing to the public debt problem and weakening the
economy. This is a problem that both the US and EU have recognized as a serious
problem that must be addressed.
Not just the mainstream media in the US, but in Europe as well as in
Australia and Canada the focus is rarely on tax evasion and fraud combined with
a fiscal policy and subsidies that redistribute wealth to the richest people in
society, but rather on the single mother cheating the system of food stamps, on
the illegal immigrants receiving free health care and possibly food and housing
assistance, on the small farmer declaring losses where there are none so he can
receive a government rebate. In short, the focus is always on the "small
fish" in the social welfare pond, which do indeed cheat the system without
question, but do not come even close to the levels of the corporate welfare
sharks eating away at large chunks of the economic pie and massively bleeding
government budgets.
Historical Roots of Corporate Welfare
vs. the Social Welfare State
Long before government became involved in social welfare, the church and
private charitable organizations helped the poor to the degree they did. The
transformation of society from rural-agrarian to urban industrial necessarily
entailed a large segment of uneducated and unskilled laborer finding themselves
In the streets begging, stealing, prostituting, committing crimes, and making
up the lowest echelons of society that disrupted harmony in urban centers.
England tried to deal with this issue by passing the Poor Law reforms of 1834,
intended to place otherwise wretched people of the street into workhouses. This
form of semi-slavery criticized by many in the 19
th century
underwent changes so that the state appeared more humane toward the poor, and
not as Charles Dickens and Henry Mayhew described it in their works.
The era of Progressivism in the US formally institutionalized the seeds of
the social welfare state, although it would take another four decades before it
would have an much of an impact. This is not to say that the manner social
welfare has been administered provides any sense of hope, given that it only
marginalized the poor permanently and kept them in a chronic state of
dependence without offering opportunities for upward social mobility. As bad as
those programs were in the housing and medical sectors where social welfare
created ghettos, their total absence would have meant no medical care or
housing for the recipients.
While it is true that social welfare does not foster personal responsibility
values to recipients, neither does corporate welfare. Besides the tax system
designed to favor wealth concentration, government giveaways can be traced to
the Commercial Revolution in Europe when monarchies gave trading monopolies and
route to certain companies. In the US, we have massive giveaways of land for
railroads and mining operations in the 19th century as well logging companies,
to mention a few of the early corporate welfare beneficiaries. Long before
there was such a thing as social welfare (most coming with FDR’s New Deal and
then with LBJ’s Great Society), the US government as well as all governments in
Europe and Latin America as well persecuted trade unionists and deemed them a
threat to business and society.
Can multinational corporations thrive
without corporate welfare?
One area where governments spend to sustain corporate welfare is research
and development in everything from pharmaceuticals to weapons systems. The
taxpayer picks up the bill for research and development costs, while a large
corporation reaps the profits by manufacturing and distributing the products.
Even foreign aid - both civilian and military - uses taxpayer money to fund
products given to aid recipients who in turn have an obligation to trade with
the companies of the aid recipient. Similarly, direct subsidies go to the large
agribusiness that easily out compete small and medium-sized farmers, given that
the top ten percent receive the lion's share of government subsidies. This is
at the expense of the taxpayer whether in the US or other parts of the world
and the great farce about the so-called "free enterprise".
Also at the expense of the taxpayer are the massive bailouts for financial
institutions and other private companies. There is nothing wrong with the state
trying to save the financial structure, but to permit criminal activities such
as money laundering and rate fixing, and to permit taxpayer funds for
scandalous salaries for its executives and larger investors is a form of
corporate welfare. The corporate welfare safety net simply means that financial
institutions make money in good times in the marketplace and in bad times
because the government uses taxpayer funds to bail them out. If this is what
free enterprise is all about, then anyone can go into business because the
government would assume all the risk and the financial institution would keep
the profits in good times and bad.
When we consider the massive tax breaks and infrastructural development
costs provided at the state and local levels to companies that state and local
government tries to attract then we must add yet another layer of handouts to
the many layered corporate welfare cake government provides to business. State
and local governments compete to provide the most lucrative subsidies,
justifying their actions on the basis that it is good for job creation. While
there is no doubt that some jobs are created, it is at a massive cost to the
taxpayer and not the company hiring the workers.
If US corporations actually paid the legally designated 35%, they would in
fact be at the top of OECD countries in terms of tax liability. Because of
endless loopholes, however, the effective rate is very low and most
corporations including Boeing, General Electric, and Wells Fargo pay nothing
while receiving federal funds in various forms. This is the essence of
corporate welfare thanks to tax laws that the government has in the books with
the kind and generous assistance of corporate lobbies.
How can GE that generates $10 billion in pretax income pay nothing in taxes
and in addition receive a $1.1 billion in tax benefit? GE Capital writes off a
paper loss in the US while it shows a huge overseas profit for which it defers
paying taxes indefinitely to the IRS, and it receives a tax benefit for
depreciation deductions for its capital assets as well as loan losses in the
US. Making matters worse, GE along with other corporations keep a great deal of
their cash outside the US where they earn much higher rates than American banks
Depending what one includes in social welfare and in corporate welfare
programs, the US government spends at least 50% more on corporate welfare
benefiting the rich than it does on the social welfare benefiting the poor.
State and local government spending on corporate welfare amounted to $110
billion, of which three-fourths went to the 1000 largest corporations such as
General Electric, Dow Chemical, Ford, Boeing, etc. In 2013, the Joint Committee
on Taxation estimates that $154 billion in special corporate tax breaks were
part of the government giveback to the corporations as part of a generous
package intended to keep them healthy. It costs the average American family
$6870 per year for corporate welfare in the form of subsidies and tax breaks.
It costs the average American family $42 per year to fund social welfare. If
one includes unemployment benefits, health care and education among other items
that are not in the domain of social welfare, then the cost goes higher.
However, if one also considers the tax loopholes for corporations and the top
ten percent of the income earners the net amount in the corporate welfare
category also goes higher.
Should a modern society under the existing
state-supported market political economy have a credible social safety net to
avoid cases of extreme poverty and people dying in the street benches where the
homeless sleep, or should it simply focus on strengthening the corporate
welfare system using taxpayer money with the hope that this will take care of
all problems in society?
Is greater economic growth and development achieved
under the corporate welfare state vs. a weakened social welfare system, or does
the trend of massive capital concentration with the state’s help lead to
economic contractions that create deep structural economic problems?
What engenders greater social and political harmony in
society? A very strong corporate welfare system coexisting with a weak social
welfare system, or a mix where the social safety net balances the massive
capital concentration?
Has the advocacy of corporate welfare and opposition to
social welfare entailed that centrist and center left political parties and
groups embraced the right wing (Social Darwinist) agenda, elements of which include racism,
ethnocentrism and xenophobia?