Friday, 29 October 2021

China's Geopolitical and Economic Challenge to the West

 US-led Western foreign policy toward China is mired in contradictions. The United States
and its allies are fully integrated with the world, also with the Chinese economy. However,
they are bothered by China’s global economic rise, which is the result of their respective global integration. Therefore, the United States and its allies are turning to diplomatic and military mechanisms to stop China. But aren’t fears of a Chinese global takeover exaggerated?

Not only is global economic growth highly dependent on Chinese growth, but the US also
relies on China to hold US government bonds that keep the dollar strong as a reserve
currency, especially now that debt is headed much higher. The contradiction in the policy of
the United States and the West hurts not so much China but the United States and its

partners, who are faced with the reality that the capitalist class demands even closer

integration. Because China is the world's growth engine and needed to counter structural

economic contractions, such as the one in 2008 that began in the US, China is the catalyst

to mitigate recessions with its massive stimulating fiscal and monetary policy.
Despite this recognition, President Joe Biden and a host of other world leaders closely allied with the United States have opted for a global campaign to contain China by military means to curb its global economic ascendancy with geopolitical consequences.



Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Overview of the Iran-Azerbaijan Confrontation and the Regional Balance of Power


On 1 October, the Iranian army held massive military exercises near its border with Azerbaijan. On 3 October 2021, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that Israel’s military presence in the Republic of Azerbaijan constituted a security threat for Iran. He issued this statement while concentrating troops along the northwest border.

Tehran sent its military presence to announce to Azerbaijan that the country is preparing for war with the intention to stop the advancement of the double threat. On one hand, the Erdogan’s-inspired pan-Turkic movement seems to be encouraging separatists. On the other hand, a larger Israeli-Western coalition applies its “strategy of containment.”

For the complete article, see: