Saturday, 27 April 2024




More than two years of Russia’s war in Ukraine, and no global popular opposition, despite governments welcoming such protests and media constantly propagating against Russia. After all, much of the world was heavily indoctrinated to vilify Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution (1917), while Israel has enjoyed a rather favorable treatment since 1948, especially by the Western World.

One reason could be that the Russia-Ukraine war is a conventional conflict with US-led NATO behind Ukraine and Russia on the other. Another reason could be that the war in Ukraine is about the regional balance of power, and by extension a continuation of the old Cold War EAST-WEST rivalry. The rivals have been trying to settle zones of influence between NATO and Russia which NATO wants contained militarily and regimented, given that China is behind Russia.

Another reason could be that Russia has not targeted children and civilians, despite some civilian casualties including children. After a tw-year conventional war, it is estimated that 10,582 civilians killed, including 587 children. The majority have been killed by explosive weapons with wide area effects, and by mines and explosive remnants.

By contrast, Israel’s war between a conventional military and civilians in GAZA. In just six months, more than 42,000 civilians have been killed, with more than 14,000 children, while all of GAZA is demolished and waiting for reconstruction for which Israel fully expects the West and Arab nations to pay although it has also stated the region will be settled by Israelis.  

The ICJ has rendered a decision on Israeli genocide. No such decision has been handed down against Russia, despite efforts by the US and the West. While the overwhelming majority of governments in the world are on Russia’s side, the opposite holds true for Israel. While there have been no mass college student-faculty protests against Russia, or any other popular protests, the same is not true for Israel.

One could argue that the Western World is antisemitic and pro-Russian, except that public opinion polls do not support such a hypothesis, especially when considering that Jewish organizations and individuals have joined mass protests against Western-backed Israeli genocide. Could one reason for the anti-Zionist protests possibly be that the protesters identify Zionism with Western militarism and fault it as much for is taking place in Ukraine as in ISRAEL? Or, do the anti-war protesters express societal desire for peace and diplomatic solutions? Perhaps another reason could be that the mass protesters see on the part of Israel the glaring absence of observance of international law, human rights, and social justice, while they do not see the same for Russia which is hardly a favorite country for the West.

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